Or four, depending on how we count it. I ordered my first set of business cards on January 17th, 2016. I used a logo and name I dreamt up when I was eleven, discovering myself beneath mountains of anxiety through exploring fashion. In January 2019, in my third year of college, I left my retail job to dive in to Chicologie full time. Despite my penchant for being extremely self critical, and my fear that I don't actually understand taxes, Chicologie is still here, and I love it.
As I shared in my last post, I have high hopes for this year, and I've already started. The website refresh is partially completed, and January's new arrivals are available now in the shop. Please enjoy, and I welcome feedback as the refresh continues. As always, I'd like to thank you all sincerely for your support of Chicologie. Without you, I wouldn't have had the confidence in my abilities here to carry me through my struggles in college, and I wouldn't be so lucky as to have a career and small business that I truly love.