A unique collection of vintage Coach Leatherware- and a unique take on American fashion's simple definition of luxury.

I've loved Coach forever, truly. Even as a baby, all my essentials were carried in a late 90's Coach backpack. Coach's leather roots have always had strong staying power, a timelessness that survived the fluctuation reputation and reception of the brand. Modern Coach did get a little lost in the early aughts, and stayed lost until the mid twenty-teens. The brand's contemporary reputation has recovered and expanded in the last few years, and even Coach has admitted and embraced that there's nothing quite like a heritage piece of Coach leatherware.
Glovetanned leather, brass hardware, and a range of colors and styles that float from classic to unique in any given combination, all made in the United States; Coach's heritage qualities are admirable, and simple. Fact of fashion: A brand must prove itself to succeed. No long-lasting label has achieved success by just existing, there must be some weight behind the name. For Coach, straightforwardness, practicality, functionality, and longevity are qualities that proved worth- and still do in every 30-plus year old bag that holds its own, looking excellent for its age. Every classic Coach product has an earnest energy, a bag happy to be a chic, but not too flashy workhorse that'll happily age on your arm. As Coach ages, the bags rarely look beaten, they look worn in, aged, and loved. They melt into a soft, evenly worn leather confection that looks like it has lived a life of its own, and is ready for more.

The Chicologie brand is built around luxury, and always has been. When I present this collection of (relatively) affordable pieces from a brand typically not associated with luxury, I encourage you to reconsider that lack of association. What makes luxury? Quality, heritage, uniqueness, and dedication. These elements defined the careers of luxury powerhouses we all love, from Louis Vuitton to Prada.
When it comes to heritage, most all vintage Coach was designed and produced in the United States. While relatively simple, vintage Coach is unmistakably unique- thick leather, rich color, heavy hardware, and a design equal in practicality and subtle beauty (and of course, a little leather tag on a little brass chain).
This collection features bags from the 1960's to the turn of the 21st century (and one little 2022 outlier). The vintage selection has experienced minimal restoration- a light refresh to make each bag ready to be newly yours, but each will bring the character of the life it has lived before now with it. Coach prides itself in producing bags that age well, but age nonetheless. I enjoy these qualities in my own collection, and restored the pieces in this one to ensure that same well loved feeling is shared with you. You can experience this collection here.